In English: A Fool’s Heart. I hope atheists will learn what reasoning is.

A Fool’s

Atheists do consciously embrace a god — and it is the self. Unfortunately many of them do not simply reject Christianity and proceed to mind their own business; they invest their energy in indoctrinating others into their viewpoints. Some, in fact, become evangelical in their fervor and aggressive in their approach. They clearly and desperately want adepts and they will invest time and money to accomplish their aim.

But what does the Bible say about atheists?

According to the Bible there is no such thing as being free from God and becoming “independent.” If one rejects God’s ways, he automatically joins the “other” camp and that camp is Satan’s camp.

Satan is “the Prince of the Power of the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.” (Ephesians 2:2).

Atheists are the “Children of disobedience” par excellence. They have no use for God’s commandments, though some may say that some commandments may have some “social value.”

Most have a particular hatred toward the God of the Bible and openly blaspheme Him and His ways without compunction and with vehemence. Their spirit is the same bitter spirit that Satan and his rebellious demons have toward God. They are without doubt Satan’s children and therefore they are Satanists, without even realizing it.

What harm can come from believing in evolution?

Why evolution breeds monsters like Hitler, Trotsky, and Stalin:

Social effects of the theory of evolution:…f_the_theory_of_evolution

Atheism and Mass Murder:

Mass murderer (Dahmer) on evolution v. morality:…r-on-evolution-v-morality

Evolution: no morality (Dawkins):

Can we be good without God?
What is the connection between belief in God and morality?

Leading anti-creationist philosopher admits that evolution is a religion:

Inside the mind of a killer
The Finnish high school tragedy once again shows that ideas have consequences:

The Long War Against God:

In this thoroughly researched book, Dr Morris documents the history of the creation/evolution conflict and its effect on nations down through the ages. Your understanding of the creation/evolution issue will never be the same after reading this work! Contains over 500 quotes and citations.

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