Astrologie lügt

Fazit der Studie: Die Sterne lügen, oder aber die Astrologen, die sich auf sie berufen. Mit Sicherheit lügt aber auf jeden Fall mancher Engländer und Waliser, wenn er das Geburtsdatum seines Ehepartners nennt. Vielen Dank, Mister …

Getting Closer – The Bridge Band

Verse 1
you are the one who makes me one of a kind
you keep me searching for love
you tell me you´ll never love me less than
the most anyone could

Verse 2
i know your love is sufficient for me
but i keep on holding on to these things
i know your love is sufficient for me

Jesus show me how to be free
how to let got of these
things that keep me from
getting closer to you

"Will Trust In The Lord" – Recent Rainfall

I Will Trust in the Lord
by John Green – Copyright © 2000

(from Psalm 37)

The salvation, of the righteous
Comes from the Lord,
comes from the Lord

He is their stronghold, in times of trouble
helps and delivers them
Because they trust in Him

I will trust in the Lord (ladies echo)
(repeat 3 more times)

Commit your way, to the Lord
Trust in Him, trust in Him
Though you stumble, you will not fall
For the Lord upholds you
With His hand


Hallelujah – The Rock Church Worship Band

(free mp3)
Please listen to these songs, tell your friends. But don't forget what is important!!! GOD LOVES YOU! HE SEEKS YOU! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ACCEPT HIS GIFT BY ASKING HIM INTO YOUR HEART AND INTO YOUR LIFE!


Verse 1:
One thing I might ask of you Lord
Just one more thing I might seek
Is to live in Your house with you
All the days of my life.
To gaze on the beauty of You
And hope that I might see Your face
To dance in Your mercy and truth
And rest in Your grace

Verse 2
As I trip on my foolish mistakes
Oh my God You're my only Life line
First my heart bend and bows and then breaks
Then I'm covered with You
You have placed me on steady ground
and exalted my humble plea
I have felt You Lord stretching Your voice
You first loved me

My God of all glory can thunder
And Your voice can twist raging seas
You've spoken with flashes of lightening
But You're talking in whispers to me.

Words and Music by: Steele Croswhite
© 2003 Steele Croswhite

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