„Beautiful Savior“ – Jessy Vera

About „Beautiful Savior“: (free mp3)
I wrote this song as a way of honoring God. It is a worship song dealing with the two of the many sides of Jesus Christ. Jesus as miracle worker and Jesus as savior of all man kind

„Beautiful Savior“ (Jessy Vera)

You walked upon the waves and calmed the raging sea,
With a single word You made the darkness flee
You raised the dead to life, You made the blind to see,
With just one touch upon Your robe you heal infirmity

Such a beautiful Savior
What a wonderful healer
I’m amazed by Your mercy
In awe of Your glory

You walked upon the earth, draped in righteousness,
With blood of innocence, You died a sinner’s death
You bore a cross of shame that was meant for me
With Your last breath of life, You crushed iniquity

Such a beautiful Savior
What a wonderful healer
I’m amazed by Your mercy
In awe of Your glory

Death could not contain the wonders of your grace,
The power of your love, the beauty of Your face
No tomb could ever hold the light of all mankind
Let Your glory shine, let Your glory shine

(©2004 Jessy Vera SweetSymphonyMusic (ASCAP))


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