Dying Stars – Kiffen Koksen Saufen Rocken Sterben

Dieses Buch ist ein Buch über Tote und das Leben das sie geführt haben. Sex, Drogen und krasser Sound sind nichts Anstößiges mehr, sondern zum Lebensstil mutiert. Das ändert jedoch nichts an der Tatsache, dass diese Lebensweise radikal zerstört.
Dieses Buch berichtet über Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, George Harrison, Johnny Cash, James Brown, Ronnie James Dio, Heath Ledger und viele mehr. Und es zeugt von einem Leben, das allemal lebenswerter ist, als die kaputten Leben dieser ehemaligen Weltbühnen-Protagonisten.

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  1. Zuhlsdorf

    Lord, have mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy.
    Christ, graciously hear us.
    God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
    God, the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
    God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
    Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

    Lest internet thugs be eternally tormented by all the fiends of hell, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest they pass eternity in utter despair, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest they come to be damned for the harm they cause, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest they roast forever in the deepest cinders of hell, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest they suffer the unceasing pain of loss, convert them, O Lord.

    Lest devils endlessly increase their physical agony, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest devils twist their bowels and boil their blood in hell, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest devils use them as their toys and tools, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest devils gnaw on their skulls, convert them, O Lord.

    Lest the innocent be harmed by their sins, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest the innocent yield to them in weakness, convert them, O Lord.
    Lest the innocent be drawn into their traps, convert them, O Lord.

    From faceless Facebook admin drones, spare us O Lord.
    From tweeting Twitter idiots, spare us O Lord.
    From from heart-hardened spammers, spare us O Lord.
    From blog combox trolls, spare us O Lord.
    From rss feed problems, spare us O Lord.
    From server memory resource difficulties, spare us O Lord.

    From viruses, trojan horses, and all manner of snares, Lord save us.
    From wasting our time, Lord save us.
    From our own stupidity, Lord save us.
    Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
    Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord,
    Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
    Let us pray.
    Almighty and eternal God,
    who according to an ineffable plan
    called us into existence to do your will
    amid the vicissitudes and contagion of this world
    grant, we beseech you,
    through your mercy and grace
    both to protect the innocent who use the tools of this digital age
    and to convert from their evil ways all those who abuse them.
    Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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