Hope’N’Anchor – Father

2006 by Hope`N`Anchor

Oh Father, You look upon my life
You watch every step I take
Father, you look upon your child
with your father´s loving eyes

You´re wonderful,
such a wonderful God!
You´re leading me on the eternal path
All you want is, to have me at your side –
a hopless sinner from my birth!
No I can´t explain your mind!
No I can´t explain your grace!
No I can´t explain your love for me!
You´re such a wonderful God!
Such a mercyful God!

Oh Lord you look into my heart
The light of your presence sees it all
All my sins and thoughts are known to you
Oh Lord, have mercy upon me!

You´re wonderful
such a wonderful God!
You shed, the blood of your only son,
so I am clean from all my sins,
so I am free from all my chains!
That I can come before your face,
that can come before my father´s loving face!
You´re such a wonderful God!
Such a mercyful God!

Oh Father, You look upon my life
You watch every step I take
Father, you look upon your child
with your father´s loving eyes

You´re wonderful,
such a wonderful God!
You´re leading me on the eternal path.
All you want is to have me at your side –
a hopless sinner from my birth!
No I can´t explain your mind!
No I can´t explain your grace!
No I can´t explain your love for me!
You´re such a wonderful God!
Such a mercyful God!

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